Stone of the month from stone world September 1999
Irish Connemarble Green Marble
Country of origin Ireland
Density 162.32 lbs./cubic foot
Water absorption 0.60%
Flexural strength 1,174.80 psi
Compression strength 14,605.50 psi
Modulus of rupture 1,972.50 psi
This stone of the month supplied by Antolini Luigi & C.,S.p.A., Sega di Cavaion, Verona, Italy. Technical details provide a frame of reference only. Because stone is a product of nature, testing to determine specific physical qualities should be repeated for each product.
To submit your own Stone of the Month send a transparency or an 8 1/2 x11-inch (21.6 x 28 cm) or larger print of any stone material along with ASTM results to Stone of the Month, Stone World, 299 Market Street, Suite 320, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663.